I'm not the lowest stress person you could meet. This may surprise some people (though perhaps not my friends that IM with me during the day!) as apparently I come across quite often as some semi-hippie vegetarian yogi tree hugger. As much as I hate to admit it, I am a semi-hippie tree hugger - please don't tell anyone. I'm not ashamed to admit I used to be a vegetarian. Plus, while yoga is great, I freakin hate it. Seriously, it is not my thing. I'm not sure how I give off those vibes to people. What with my skull tattoos and pencil skirts and all ;)
Anyway, I'm actually fairly high strung. Tightly wound. Type A. Whatever colloquialism you'd like to use. The bottom line; I stress easily.
I'm convinced this is part of why I live a semi-hermitic life. I'm an introvert that has the job of an extrovert. That's stressful. I have to see and talk and interact with lots of people ALL DAY LONG. Believe me, it's not that I don't like people (except the one's that I end up blogging about on how my I direct your call?). It's just that it can be a lot for a person like me. When I was working as an esthitician, that was pretty much heaven. Estheticians by and large are introverts. Surprised? Right, because introverts don't like people and blah blah blah. Not true! We just don't like A LOT of people all at once or for an extended period of time. Give me 4-6 clients a day in a one on one situation where I'm helping them heal and de-stress? I'm all over that. Hairstylists are extroverts. Fact.
So, even though my job is pretty great and I like it and am truly grateful in this economy to be able to pay my bills with a bit to spare and all that jazz, it's harder on me than it would be for an extrovert. When I get home, I don't want to talk to anyone. I just want to play a couple Zynga games (don't judge me), read a bit, catch up on some Netflix action (Dexter is my current obsession), hang out with my kitties, and go to bed.
Combine the higher than would be expected stress level of my job with a pain in the arse move and what do you get? Adrenal fatigue. I haven't had a salivary test, so I can only go with my gut. My gut is usually right about things though. My gut said gluten was evil. My gut said Paleo would be helpful. My gut is 99.9% of the time dead on about people. I have learned to trust it. So my gut says it thinks I have adrenal fatigue. We're going with it.
I've been teetering on the brink of this for a while now; I think moving just pushed me over the edge. Now I have more experiementation ahead of me. Beginning with: I'm not leaving my apartment except to take the trash out, go for a walk, or get the mail. I went to bed shortly before 9 last night. Got out of bed a bit after 10 this morning. Rest is the name of the game for the whole weekend. Jealous? Hells yeah you are! Don't feel bad about it, I would be too.
Rhodiola is on its way to me. Naps are all but required. Sun is out in force for my walks. Dexter is still not in my mailbox and this is not awesome, but I'll survive on Lord of the Rings (shush! I am a nerd and I'm proud!) and sleep.
Ready? Here I go!
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