Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Paleo is logic

I've been thinking about how easy it was for me to make this choice. After all, I don't believe in "diets" and have never purchased a book in my life before that said anything on the cover about transforming your life in 30 days. B.S.! would be the thought that would cross my mind if something like that jumped out at me.

The difference here is science. Logic. Facts. Those are good things in my world. And it's not just a diet, it's a lifestyle that encompasses everything. Eating, sleeping, waking, working, moving. Thinking! Learning about this lifestyle helps you shift your understanding of you, and your interactions with others.

Little background about me. I'm weird. Seriously. It's endearing to most people because I'm small and have a cute little voice and am very feminine and my physical features fit comfortably within the golden ratio. Who the hell talks about the golden ratio? Me. Weird people like me. And did you also notice that I said people are ok with this weirdness of mine because of my physical traits? We don't like to think we're ruled by our hormones, genes, and various other aspects of our biology in terms of our social behavior, but you'd better believe we are. If I were taller, larger, less feminine and had a deeper voice, my "quirks" would be abrasive and I would be labeled a freak and I would make people uncomfortable. Instead, due only to my looks and voice we get "oh that crazy girl! she's so cute when she starts talking about phalanges and synovial fluid!" And I do. Those are two of my favorite words.

I embraced my quirkiness a long time ago because the energy it took to suppress it and fit in with all the other girls was just too much. So I said fuck it bitches. Not really, but you get it right? Not worth the bother to look and act like I was told girls should.

I like science. I like anthropology. I like Darwin. I like math. I like religion. I like biology. I like physiology. I like how all of these things relate to each other. I like that there is a MATHEMATICAL EQUATION you can use to determine with near absolute certainty whether something/someone will be pleasing to the eye (that would be my beloved golden ratio).

I say near absolute certainty because of people like Uma Therman. I'm not going to lie, she is a mathematical anomaly, and completely stunning (in my book anyway). While I'm at it, Jennifer Aniston is in that boat as well. Men love love love her to death though. I think she's cute, but from a logical and evolutionary stand point, totally got where Mr. Brad was coming from. Here he is, arguably one of the most desired alpha males in our culture. And along comes one of the most beautiful alpha females in our culture...what do you expect?! Biology demanded that he end up with the more attractive of the two to settle down and make beautiful babies with. In my evolutionary fantasies, their (biological) son marries Halle Berry's daughter and then the most perfect offspring in all of human history is born.

However, I digress. My dad said once that I remind him of the main character in the TV show "Bones". I know too much crap that is not entirely useful on a day to day basis and I can be hyper logical. I love facts and nature and how biology really rules us. Everything we say and do in relation to others is deeply tied into our evolutionary journey.

No other lifestyle choice I've encountered on my health journey acknowledges this. Some claim to, and try to be all encompassing. Such as veganisim. Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of respect for the discipline of vegans. I have respect for why they make that lifestyle choice. I have vegan friends, and it is a lovely thought. Kind of like Communism - great on paper, but doesn't work in real life.Veganism fails to acknowledge the design of the human body (while Communism fails to acknowledge the human spirit). We were designed to be carnivorous omnivores. We cannot remain healthy while eating as if we are herbivores. We are not cows or goats or horses. Look at our spines! Herbivores have straight, fairly immobile spines. Stick a saddle on it's back and away we go. Look at the spine of any four legged carnivore. Quite like ours (yes, longer and with tails I know, but quite mobile and twisty turny when needed). Why would nature design a body that for all intents and purposes moves like a carnivore, but intend it to live like an herbivore? Herbivores have those straight spines in part because it makes it easier to keep your head to the ground so you can eat ALL FREAKIN DAY. Nature is not stupid, and it wouldn't do that. Physiologically speaking, you have more in common with a wolf than you do a sheep.

Which brings me back to why I like this Paleo lifestyle. It acknowledges this very basic fact. We are a product of our evolution. We are not just what we eat, we are everything we do in relation to what our DNA demands. So we are what we eat. We are how we sleep, how we wake, how we work, and we are how we move. And all of these things impact how we think. The very thing that we think is most "us". Our own thoughts. If we do not live in line with how this vehicle for our brain was designed to function, it changes our very thoughts!

It's a complete paradigm shift for most people. And I think one that's extremely important. When you look at life and our interactions with the world and all those in it through the lens of evolution, it just makes a hell of a lot more sense.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you saying "phalanges" and not "phalanxes," as an alarming number of doctors do.
