Friday, May 18, 2012


Why am I so excited I used all caps and an exclamation point? Let me tell you!

This Sunday I'm going to a Whole 9 seminar! Don't know Whole 9? You should. They're nifty. And come on, not hard people to look at (and you know how I feel about attractive people). That's a good thing, since I'll be looking at them from 9 am til 5 pm.

I've been kinda bummed that it is likely I'll never get a Robb Wolf nutrition seminar since he's trying to change the world in other ways at the moment (yay for the world, boo for little ol' me). I discovered this Paleo thing a bit too late in the game for that. Sigh. So when I found these folks and shortly thereafter found out they'd be coming to town, I was stoked.

Yes, I am from Southern California...why do you ask?

Anyway, I'll be waking up bright and early on Sunday to drive super north to soak up massive nutrition and lifestyle knowledge delivered by pretty people with dry erase markers. Don't worry though, I'll still be sleeping later than a normal work day, so I won't be sad.

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