Or you may find that your dermatitis herpetiformis comes out to say hi.
Sounds bad huh? Kinda depends really. For me it can be. For most people, it's just a warning they got glutenated. Basically they're tiny, itchy, watery filled bumps that are supposedly only associated with gluten in those sensitive to such things. I put supposedly in there, as I for sure made an all kinds of gluten free cake, and frosting and those little bastards still came out to play. Kept me up last night I was so itchy (I shall intentionally digress here. You know what really bugs me? When people say they itch an itch. Like: "I was itchy so I itched it." No you didn't. You were itchy so you scratched it. Itch is what it does to you, scratch is what you do to it. Got it?).
The main reason I have any concern over the itchy bumps is because they can lead to psoriasis for me. I actually have to be pretty careful not to injure (ie-break) my skin, because that brings inflammation. Inflammation triggers the immune system further, sends white blood cells and such to the cut/open wound/whatever. In a person that has a normal immune system, that's all good. Immune system kills the bad guys that may have made a mini incursion into the host, and everyone is the better for the incident. In a person with an immune system that believes it is a freakin Navy SEAL that's on a mission, and that mission is to destroy the host's first line of defense (that would be skin), that's really not cool. Do not stimulate The Hussy's immune system. There is an upside to that crazy immune system o' mine. I don't get colds or the flu. Which is good because if I did, I'd probably get pneumonia. Because my immune system is, as previously stated, crazy.
Anyway. The moral of the story is even gluten free cake is bad for you. And me. Probably mostly me. This is a sad, sad day indeed.
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