Friday, March 9, 2012

Day 2!

I'm starting to realize this could become a bit tedious! Oh well, it'll be good for me in the end no?

I started out with a stiff neck this morning, which I'm pretty sure was left over muscle whatevers from getting my neck fixed on Wednesday. I get worried though, because it can also mean a migraine. Thankfully, not today! I had a stiff neck all day, but I think that was the price I had to pay to not have a migraine. I'll take that option any day.

I had my super yummy egg and bacon scramble again this morning, because I dragged my lazy self out of bed a bit earlier than normal so I wouldn't have to repeat spongy egg icks. Awesome way to start off! I don't know why I wasn't eating something like this before. It didn't take that much longer and was so much more tasty than my daily doctored up toast. Wasn't hungry until shortly before lunch again, so blood sugar seemed to be pretty happy. I did have a little bit of a snack. More on that below.

Side note: So I know according to this book that since I have an autoimmune disorder it's recommended that I not eat eggs. Lots of people react to eggs and don't realize it. This I know. But my heart rate does not increase when I have them, and I don't feel oddly tired, so I'm not too worried. Honestly though, I'm just not up for that test yet. I love eggs! So I'll eliminate them once I've got my mind around this whole new way of eating and see what happens. It took a while when I went gluten free to figure it all out, so I'm giving myself permission to do this in baby steps where I think it will make this whole thing easier to assimilate into my daily life. Back to it.

Same lunch as yesterday...and just as yum! I couldn't finish though-I packed way too much food today. I just had the rest of my lunch for dinner. Tossed in a little more chicken. And ok yes, some bacon. I promise you, it's only little chunks I'm tossing into all of this. It doesn't take much to get the flavor punch!

My baker buddy/coworker/gluten free savior (we shall call her C from now on) also got Robb Wolf's book! And she was the one that recommended the "Paleo Comfort Foods" to me. Maybe she'll be working this into her life too.

C is really good at cutting sugar out. I have to admit, I'm not too keen on this idea either. It's not the candy or chocolate (yes, I do think of them as two different things) or the cupcakes (well, maybe a little bit with the cupcakes) that's hard when it comes to sugar for me. It's the idea of no sugar in my morning tea, and no honey in my evening tea. Yes I know honey is still just sugar, but it's ever so slightly less horrible. But on a regular basis, that's the only extra sugar in my day. I will NOT put a petroleum byproduct in my tea (seriously, just google what your artificial sweetener really IS). And thank goodness for once that no one is telling me to break out the pink packet. Nor do I enjoy stevia. So I'm allowing myself this cheat. For now. We'll see.

I was on Robb Wolf's website yesterday and ran across this recipe for banana bread and I sent it to C since she loves to bake so much. Guess what that little snack I had was today? A little paleo banana bread muffin. They're pretty good! She wasn't too sure about them, but I enjoyed it.

I actually got to do a little cardio when I got home this evening as well. I haven't really worked out except perhaps one time in the last 7 weeks because of the headaches/migraines. Except for this week. That was me being lazy and not climbing out of the rut that the attempted brain escapes put me into. I'll readily cop to that. Hopefully I will remain migraine free this weekend. It is supposed to be beautiful, and I'd like to leave the house instead of having to lay down on the couch and fight the kitties for a place to put my feet. There is a big park nearby that I like to take a couple laps around and I'd be very thankful if I got to do that this weekend!

And that's day 2!

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