Monday, March 12, 2012


Short post (I hope-I'm too verbose)!

Yesterday I still didn't have a headache so I took my neighbor's dog for a walk. She's tiny and she knows I like to take her on long walks and she doesn't always want to go, so I have to trick her. Her punishment was that she stopped every ten feet to sniff and pee. Even when there was no pee left to pee, she still had to go through the motions. Took for freakin ever! Yesterday was otherwise uneventful. Had the same munchies as Saturday, plus more bacon. Is there anything better than bacon? No wonder someone decided to put it on a cupcake.

Today was also uneventful. I love my little bacon and egg scramble, so I'm going to stick with it until I figure something just as delicious out. I ate the last of my little chicken today. Tomorrow is fajitas for work day! That was also my little dinner. When I got home it was still light out thanks to daylight saving time. It is not daylight savings time, just FYI. Google it. I dropped all my stuff off and threw on some jeans and a tee shirt and took myself for another walk around the park. Still sore from my walk on Saturday, but the best cure is a walk and a hot bath! Check both off my to do list for today. Still only one loop, but I'll get back up too it soon. My neck is back out. My brain has not yet decided that this is a terrible thing. Hope I can get away with not getting an adjustment for a few weeks.

I'm having my evening tea-with honey. Hopefully between the hot bath and this, I'll be able to trick my body into thinking bedtime is an hour earlier than it was 3 days ago. Lights out shortly to help with this!

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