I was supposed to start this experiment last night. I ended up eating all my Qdoba chicken nachos for my goodbye to all this stuff (for a while-I assume I will still have it from time to time) lunch. That's a lot of food. So I wasn't hungry for dinner. I don't believe in eating when you're not hungry, so I didn't.
What I DID do yesterday was go to the doctor and the store. My doctor (who is an Osteopath) gave me some much needed neck cracking and I told him what I planned on doing. He'd not heard of this paleo thing, but when I explained it, he was completely on board. He didn't even flinch at the no dairy! I've not been a fan of milk- or most milk products- for a very long time, and I've gotten used to the idea that all doctors will tell me they're amazed my legs haven't just broken right under me because I can't possibly be getting enough calcium to keep them strong.
On that note, short story time. My mother loves her some milk! She used to go through a gallon of milk every couple days or so I believe. Guess what? She's got osteoporosis. Take that milk! I'm convinced, as is she, that she is also at the very least gluten intolerant, which can cause osteoporosis. She's been making good strides at becoming gluten free, and has given up her beloved milk. She hopefully will be joining me on this little experiment herself. I got her Robb Wolf's "The Paleo Solution" and "Paleo Comfort Foods". Those are the only books I have so far, but I really liked them, so I got them for her. Because my mom is awesome and I want her to be healthy.
After the doctor I went to the store, since over the weekend I'd thrown out nearly all of my food. I found such great deals that I completely forgot to get most of the stuff on my list... oh well. The store will still be there this weekend, and I got a lot of what I needed. Came home and washed all my greens (God help you if you ever eat at my home and expect a salad anytime soon after I've come home from the store. I take forever to wash anything that came out of the ground), tore up my cute little personal sized rotisserie chicken, and made some balsamic vinaigrette. Yay me, I'd never made that before and it is damn good!
I know, this is all super mundane, but again, I'm pretty sure mostly I'm reading this (though I did find a surprising number of page views when logging in today?)...Moving on.
This morning I was completely unprepared for this whole breakfast thing. Normally I have gluten free toast with a sunflower seed butter spread, with a little honey and some cinnamon. It's super yum and I don't get overly hungry until about 30 minutes before lunch. Then I'm screwed, because I'm really hungry! Last night at the store I was fully aware I'd need to take a bit more time to make something this morning, but this morning, well, I forgot. I scrambled up an egg and stuck it in the microwave. Now to be sure, I knew this was not the best choice, but a girls got to eat! And this girl got to eat a spongy scrambled egg this morning.
Lunch was awesome! This is where my excitement about most of my deals came in, and why I lost focus at the store. Organic swiss chard (for some reason I've never had this-now I'm in leafy love), organic kale (hard to find around here this time of year in anything but a sadly wilted state), and organic romaine. A bunch of my chicken thrown on and tossed at lunch with my vinaigrette.
I need to figure out this snacking thing. I'm not a big fan of the nut family. Almonds may or may not make my spots angry (I've always had almond butter with a gluten loaded bread, so they probably don't, but I am still terrified to find out. Any flare of my psoriasis can take months upon months to heal, and that really sucks. Also, this could be psychosomatic, but almond butter makes my tongue feel funny.) I guess veggies it will be until I can get more creative. Too bad I didn't buy any munchable at my desk varieties this go round.
Dinner was also awesome. Who wouldn't want a bacon and egg scramble? While I was making it, I realized that this is totally what I'm having for breakfast in the morning.
Since this is only day one, I obviously have felt nor seen a real difference in anything. But I do think my blood sugar was more stable this morning. I didn't get hungry until right before lunch, so at least there's that.
I took pictures of my active flares, and I will put them here at some point. I want to track any progress in their healing, since frankly, they are the biggest reason I've decided to do this. Not just out of vanity, though to be sure, that is a consideration.
Here's the scoop: If you're not aware, most in dermatological circles believe psoriasis to be an autoimmune disease. It causes the immune system to attack the skin, which causes the skin to grow too rapidly. This leads to living tissue making its way to the very top of your skin (the top several layers of your skin are dead. That's on purpose, trust me). Living skin tissue has NO BUSINESS being exposed to the world and all it's air and germs and whatnot. Psoriasis, like all autoimmune conditions is a real bitch to treat. If you have it, you deal with a lot of rebounding. This is when a medication you were taking just fucking stops working. It truly is worthy of swearing about when this happens.
I had a dermatologist that suggested I go on biologics if we were not able to get my flares under control. Nutshell-a biologic helps you heal because it shuts down your immune system. Cancer anyone? Hell to the no, but thanks for asking. That is a side effect of biologics (and other immunosuppresents...those things are nothing to mess around with. I'm not saying they're not appropriate for some people in some situations, but they are mostly toxic evil shit).
Now as with my migraines, I have to say that I am grateful for the type and severity of my disease. Lots of people have it much worse than I do. They are in much more pain than I, and I bless their sweet overburdened hearts. That's not to say though that I don't want it gone. Gone, gone, gone.
I know my psoriasis is a symptom of an overall dis-ease within my body. And as you know, that's what this is really all about, me getting healthy.
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