I can't remember. I can't remember because I'm super tired and before I clicked on "new post" I forgot to look at my last post to see what days it covered. I'm super tired because of the stupid time change. Following is my brief letter to congress about said time change:
Dear Congress,
Why is it the three things you can agree on seem to be that you work really hard and need ANOTHER vacation, you work really hard and you need ANOTHER raise, and that this "daylight saving time" is working so well we should do it more? It doesn't save a whole hell of a lot of oil in the long run, there are far better options out there to conserve that stuff. Ben Franklin wasn't right about everything, just most things. Remember the turkey incident? See, not always right! And frankly (no pun intended, but there it is), the baaaaaad things that happen as a result of springing forward don't seem to make it worth it at all.
Did you know Congress, did you know! that you're more likely to have a heart attack on the first Monday of the springing forward bs part of daylight saving? Did you know Congress, did you even know!, that more car accidents occur the first week of said bs part of daylight saving? And Congress, did you know that more pedestrians are likely to be run over in that same first damn bs week of daylight saving? You are actually killing and injuring people with this stupid shit! You people are assholes. I've got two words for you- term limits! Oh that reminded me of a forth thing you all seem to agree on. The President needs term limits but not you assholes.
You're assholes. I'm tired. I hope all your houseplants die and your shoes keep coming untied all day.
Anyway, today must be day six because tomorrow will be a week. I'm getting used to this whole thing, so I have nothing exciting to report.
This is not exciting, sorry if the exclamation point tricked you, but I write exactly how my brain sounds at that moment, and at that moment it said "OH! Write about that thing!". Before I started this little experiment, I had a new spot that hadn't quite reached its full psoriasis potential. It did last night. I took a picture of it. Since it's brand new, this will give me a good opportunity to see if this way of eating shortens the healing time. Cross your fingers and hope for a yes!
I'm going to finish making my evening tea, take a bath, and go to bed.
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