Yeah, so I went to the Whole 9 seminar today, but that's not what this post is about. I'll write a proper review when I've got more time and more sleep. I was so excited last night that I slept like all kinds of poo. I assume because I was worried I wouldn't wake up on time. My biggest personal fear, and something I loathe in others is what we'll call "a lack of promptness". Loathe is not too strong a word either. Anyway, enough about that. Oh, rest assured though, the seminar was most awesome.
I started this blog to keep myself accountable for the changes I was making to my lifestyle and diet. I've kinda slacked off on that, and it's been to my own detriment. Don't get me wrong, I'm still doing pretty well overall, but without having to tell someone what I'm doing (yes, even if that "someone" is my little blog...I still haven't figured out who's reading this other than my mom and C on occasion, but I'm making myself accountable to whomever you are too...because my stats say it's way more than just those two reading my crazy rambles.)
I talked a bit about the Vegas family trip. I didn't have a ton of food options (yes I know Vegas is full of ALL KINDS of options, but we weren't on the strip so I was limited to the food available in the hotel and all those other options are not my cup of tea.) Hence all the Fat Burger action. And Starbucks. Tall Chai thank you very much. I think that was actually what derailed some of my progress. Milk and sugar. Not in small amounts either. Nope.
So yeah, my psoriasis is flaring, and it's my own damn fault.
Now, it's not as bad as my bet is it would have had I not already adopted the changes I had. And not as bad as it would be if I still got no sun. I love the sun. I used to think the sun didn't love me back, but turns out that was purely a misunderstanding between us. But that's what happens when the middle man in communication is a sun-phobic brainwashed dermatologist. The sun and I have worked it out though and I've promised not to listen to doctors too much.
On the subject of sun. I have a not so secret secret. I'm not a natural redhead. It suits me for sure. I have the right temperament, and can get very pale (coughanemiacough), so everyone just assumes. And you know what they say about assuming... Red hair does not work with a tan though, and tanning is something my skin excels in. It's actually a bit of an effort to stay this stereotypically Celtic in appearance. So since I plan on being tan forever now, I have to not be a redhead anymore. This could be the hardest part of this whole lifestyle change for me. I've not decided yet if that is laughably great, or laughably sad. Either way though, I'm for sure laughing. Life is tough no? ;)
I'm tired and so my brain is just working on this stream of consciousness stuff, or whatever the hippies call that. I think my original point was that I'm going to have blog more of the mundane food shtuffs for a bit to get myself back on track. Yeah. Pretty sure that was supposed to be the point of this post. I guess that's why I titled it "Accountability".
I don't do well on little sleep, so sorry for this post. I'm still going to click publish though. Shame? No sorry, I'm not familiar with this concept...
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